Pellet Grill Smoker Goal
To be a Useful and Helpful Resource for Anyone Interested in Pellet Grill Smokers and Smoking Meats and Other Foods
Tom Mueller – Owner, Writer, Pellet Grill Enthusaist
Reviews and Trust
Honesty is a key part of stoicism, a philosophy of life I try to live by.
This site and all other sites I own and write about will have honesty and transparency.
All companies I’ve worked with are aware full disclosure and honesty shall be applied to product and services that are reviewed.
Main Author – Tom Mueller
- Writer on Pellet Grill Smokers Including Building, Testing, and Reviewing
- Passion for Meat Curing and Smoking I’ve written about my experiences over the last few decades
- Worked with Pellet Grill Smoking Suppliers across England, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia
- As a writer, meat curer, smoker, forager, hunter, and fisherman – pellet grill smoking is a technique that brings together a lot of skills

I started Pellet Grill Smoker because it is an excellent tool for indirect hot smoking, or with heat retention – it can grill also.
Hey, I’m Tom Mueller – when I started doing BBQ smoking – it was mainly trout I was catching with a portable direct heat smoker.
Story Behind Pellet Grill Smoker
I’ve gone down the roads of gas and charcoal smokers over the years. And still, play around with them. Great if you have UNLIMITED TIME!
I’ve reviewed and written for pellet grill companies articles about what I’ve learned, here are some of them.
Be warned there is quite a bit of ‘tongue and cheek’ with the writing style of those articles!
Reverse Sear Steak, Pull Pork, Brisket, Smoked Turkey, Ribs, Salmon, Venison, and cooked Beef – I love playing around with all of these treats.

When it comes to smoking, curing, and wood pellets – I get very enthusiastic, my friends always say they can hear the passion in my voice.
Eventually, that enthusiasm decided to go online!
Pellet grill smokers are the ultimate outdoor smoking and cooking tool – personal opinion of course
You just press a few buttons for convenience and real wood fire flavor.
I wanted to share what I’ve learned about pellet grill smokers firsthand.
You could say I am an ‘enthusiast’, but I don’t like to call myself an expert. For me it’s all about continual learning, of course, that’s never-ending.
I’m lucky enough to have experienced most of the big names Green Mountain Grill, Traeger, Pit Boss, Camp Chef, Yoder, and others.
Having been into smoking and curing meat for 20 years, I have a love and a passion for anything related to grilling, BBQing or just cooking outdoors.
Seeing different cultures and their approach to cooking (outside or inside), I think makes me a better cook.
Social Links – Pellet Grill Smoker